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Trump wants to halve energy prices, but experts say that’s doubtful

No stranger to bold pledges, former President Trump recently claimed that he could cut Americans’ energy costs in half within a year of taking office if he wins re-election in November.Why it matters: While high energy prices have added to the economic pinch many consumers are feeling…  » …

Gonzales wants shift to renewable energy in Tobago

Eliz­a­beth Gon­za­les To­ba­go Cor­re­spon­dent Min­is­ter of Pub­lic Util­i­ties Mar­vin Gon­za­les says T&T ur­gent­ly needs en­er­gy re­form. He was speak­ing at the launch of a 15kW So­lar PV sys­tem in Char­lot­teville on Fri­day. He said that if To­ba­go keeps grow­ing at its cur­rent pace, it may face an en­er­gy short­age in five years which is why