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Tibetan plateau’s unique heatwave amplified by land-atmosphere interactions

Tibetan plateau’s unique heatwave amplified by land-atmosphere interactions

Science and Nature news

Tibetan plateau’s unique heatwave amplified by land-atmosphere interactions
by Simon Mansfield
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Sep 15, 2024

Heatwaves are typically associated with low-lying, hot regions. But what happens when extreme temperatures occur at the frigid, high altitudes of the Tibetan Plateau? A new study, published in ‘Weather and Climate Extremes’, explores this question by investigating a record-breaking heatwave that occurred in July 2022 on the Tibetan Plateau.

The Tibetan Plateau, often called the “Roof of the World” due to its high elevation, plays a crucial role in global climate patterns. Warming in this region has been happening faster than the global average, setting the stage for increased heatwaves. These events pose significant risks to the plateau’s water resources and ecosystems, making it vital to understand and predict their impacts on the environment and local populations.

In the summer of 2022, while many Northern Hemisphere regions experienced historic heatwaves, the one that affected the Tibetan Plateau received little attention due to the area’s sparse population. Temperatures reached between 16 C and 22 C at altitudes over 5,000 meters, which, although common in lower altitudes, were particularly alarming in this alpine environment where the average annual temperature is below 0 C. This heatwave notably impacted the Qiangtang Plateau, highlighting the need for better understanding and forecasting of such events in high-altitude regions.

The study utilized the flow analogue method to assess how atmospheric circulation and soil moisture influenced the heatwave. The findings reveal that both factors played significant roles: atmospheric circulation, as indicated by 300 hPa geopotential height anomalies, contributed to 44.40% of the temperature anomalies, while soil moisture anomalies accounted for 55.57%. The interaction between soil moisture and temperature further intensified the heatwave’s impact, particularly in the plateau’s high-altitude regions.

“Our research underscores the significant role that soil moisture plays in influencing temperature extremes, especially in such a sensitive and unique region as the Tibetan Plateau,” said GUI Kexin, a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the study’s first author.

The study also highlights that, with ongoing global warming, the frequency and intensity of heatwaves on the Tibetan Plateau are likely to increase. The researchers suggest that land-atmosphere feedback mechanisms may double the rate of extreme high temperature increases compared to the global average, further intensifying these events.

This research enhances understanding of heatwaves in high-altitude, cold regions and points to the need for more investigation into their unique impacts as climate change accelerates.

Research Report:Land-atmosphere coupling amplified the record-breaking heatwave at altitudes above 5000 meters on the Tibetan Plateau in July 2022

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