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Porting SBCL to the Nintendo Switch

Technology Technology

For the past two years Charles Zhang and I have been working on getting my game engine, Trial, running on the Nintendo Switch. The primary challenge in doing this is porting the underlying Common Lisp runtime to work on this platform. We knew going into this that it was going to be hard, but it has proven to be quite a bit more tricky than expected. I’d like to outline some of the challenges of the platform here for posterity, though please also understand that due to Nintendo’s NDA I can’t go into too much detail.

Current Status

I want to start off with where we are at, at the time of writing this article. We managed to port the runtime and compiler to the point where we can compile and execute arbitrary lisp code directly on the Switch. We can also interface with shared libraries, and I’ve ported a variety of operating system portability libraries that Trial needs to work on the Switch as well.

The above photo shows Trial’s REPL example running on the Switch devkit. Trial is setting up the OpenGL context, managing input, allocating shaders, all that good stuff, to get the text shown on screen; the Switch does not offer a terminal of its own.

Unfortunately it also crashes shortly after as SBCL is trying to engage its garbage collector. The Switch has some unique constraints in that regard that we haven’t managed to work around quite yet. We also can’t output any audio yet, since the C callback mechanism is also broken. And of course, there’s potentially a lot of other issues yet to rear their head, especially with regards to performance.

Whatever the case, we’ve gotten pretty far! This work hasn’t been free, however. While I’m fine not paying myself a fair salary, I can’t in good conscience have Charles invest so much of his valuable time into this for nothing. So I’ve been paying him on a monthly basis for all the work he’s been doing on this port. Up until now that has cost me ~17’000 USD. As you may or may not know, I’m self-employed. All of my income stems from sales of Kandria and donations from generous supporters on Patreon, GitHub, and Ko-Fi. On a good month this totals about 1’200 USD. On a bad month this totals to about 600 USD. That would be hard to get by in a cheap country, and it’s practically impossible in Zürich, Switzerland.

I manage to get by by living with my parents and being relatively frugal with my own personal expenses. Everything I actually earn and more goes back into hiring people like Charles to do cool stuff. Now, I’m ostensibly a game developer by trade, and I am working on a currently unannounced project. Games are very expensive to produce, and I do not have enough reserves to bankroll it anymore. As such, it has become very difficult to decide what to spend my limited resources on, and especially a project like this is much more likely to be axed given that I doubt Kandria sales on the Switch would even recoup the porting costs.

To get to the point: if you think this is a cool project and you would like to help us make the last few hurdles for it to be completed, please consider supporting me on Patreon, GitHub, or Ko-Fi. On Patreon you get news for every new library I release (usually at least one a month) and an exclusive monthly roundup of the current development progress of the unannounced game. Thanks!

An Overview

First, here’s what’s publicly known about the Switch’s environment: user code runs on an ARM64 Cortex-A57 chip with four cores and 4 GB RAM, and on top of a proprietary microkernel operating system that was initially developed for the Nintendo 3Ds.

SBCL already has an ARM64 Linux port, so the code generation side is already solved. Kandria also easily fits into 4GB RAM, so there’s no issues there either. The difficulties in the port reside entirely in interfacing with the surrounding proprietary operating system of the switch. The system has some constraints that usual PC operating systems do not have, which are especially problematic for something like Lisp as you’ll see in the next section.

Fortunately for us, and this is the reason I even considered a port in the first place, the Switch is also the only console to support the OpenGL graphics library for rendering, which Trial is based upon. Porting Trial itself to another graphics library would be a gigantic effort that I don’t intend on undertaking any time soon. The Xbox only supports DirectX, though supposedly there’s an OpenGL -> DirectX layer that Microsoft developed, so that might be possible. The Playstation on the other hand apparently still sports a completely proprietary graphics API, so I don’t even want to think about porting to that platform.

Anyway, in order to get started developing I had to first get access. I was lucky enough that Nintendo of Europe is fairly accommodating to indies and did grant my request. I then had to buy a devkit, which costs somewhere around 400 USD. The devkit and its SDK only run on Windows, which isn’t surprising, but will also be a relevant headache later.

Before we can get on to the difficulties in building SBCL for the Switch, let’s first take a look at how SBCL is normally built on a PC.

Building SBCL

SBCL is primarily written in Lisp itself. There is a small C runtime as well, which you use a usual C compiler to compile, but before it can do that, there’s some things it needs to know about the operating system environment it compiles for. The runtime also doesn’t have a compiler of its own, so it can’t compile any Lisp code. In order to get the whole process kicked off, SBCL requires another Lisp implementation to bootstrap with, ideally another version of itself.

The build then proceeds in roughly five phases:

  1. build-config
    This step just gathers whatever build configuration options you want for your target and spits them out into a readable format for the rest of the build process.

  2. make-host-1

    Now we build the cross-compiler with the host Lisp compiler, and at the same time emit C header files describing Lisp object layouts in memory as C structs for the next step.

  3. make-target-1

    Next we run the target C compiler to create the C runtime. As mentioned, this uses a standard C compiler, which can itself be a cross-compiler. The C runtime includes the garbage collector and other glue to the operating system environment. This step also produces some constants the target Lisp compiler and runtime needs to know about by using the C compiler to read out relevant operating system headers.

  4. make-host-2

    With the target runtime built, we build the target Lisp system (compiler and the standard library) using the Lisp cross-compiler built by the Lisp host compiler in make-host-1. This step produces a “cold core” that the runtime can jump into, and can be done purely on the host machine. This cold core is not complete, and needs to be executed on the target machine with the target runtime to finish bootstrapping, notably to initialize the object system, which requires runtime compilation. This is done in

  5. make-target-2

    The cold core produced in the last step is loaded into the target runtime, and finishes the bootstrapping procedure to compile and load the rest of the Lisp system. After the Lisp system is loaded into memory, the memory is dumped out into a “warm core”, which can be loaded back into memory in a new process with the target runtime. From this point on, you can load new code and dump new images at will.

Notable here is the need to run Lisp code on the target machine itself. We can’t cross-compile “purely” on the host, not in the least because user Lisp code cannot be compiled without also being run like batch-compiled C code can, and when it is run it assumes that it is in the target environment. So we really don’t have much of a choice in the matter.

In order to deploy an application, we proceed similar to make-target-2: We compile in Lisp code incrementally and then when we have everything we need we dump out a core with the runtime attached to it. This results in a single binary with a data blob attached.

When the SBCL runtime starts up it looks for a core blob, maps it into memory, marks pages with code in them as executable, and then jumps to the entry function the user designated. This all is a problem for the Switch.

Building for the Switch

The Switch is not a PC environment. It doesn’t have a shell, command line, or compiler suite on it to run the build as we usually do. Worse still, its operating system does not allow you to create executable pages, so even if we could run the compilation steps on there we couldn’t incrementally compile anything on it like we usually do for Lisp code.

But all is not lost. Most of the code is not platform dependent and can simply be compiled for ARM64 as usual. All we need to do is make sure that anything that touches the surrounding environment in some way knows that we’re actually trying to compile for the Switch, then we can use another ARM64 environment like Linux to create our implementation.

With that in mind, here’s what our steps look like:

  1. build-config
    We run this on some host system, using a special flag to indicate that we’re building for the Switch. We also enable the fasteval contrib. We need fasteval to step in for any place where we would usually invoke the compiler at runtime, since we absolutely cannot do that on the Switch.

  2. make-host-1

    This step doesn’t change. We just get different headers that prep for the Switch platform.

  3. make-target-1

    Now we use the C compiler the Nintendo SDK provides for us, which can cross-compile for the Switch. Unfortunately the OS is not POSIX compliant, so we had to create a custom runtime target in SBCL that stubs out and papers over the operating system environment differences that we care about, like dynamic linking, mapping pages, and so on.
    Here is where things get a bit weird. We are now moving on to compiling Lisp code, and we want to do so on a Linux host system. So we have to…

  4. build-config (2)

    We now create a normal ARM64 Linux system with the same feature set as for the Switch. This involves the usual steps as before, though with a special flag to inform some parts of the Lisp process that we’re going to ultimately target the Switch.

  5. make-host-1 (2)

  6. make-target-1 (2)

  7. make-host-2

  8. make-target-2

    With all of this done we now have a slightly special SBCL build for Linux ARM64. We can now move on to compiling user code.

  9. For user code we now perform some tricks to make it think it’s running on the Switch, rather than on Linux. In particular we modify *features* to include :nx (the Switch code name) and not :linux,

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